Saturday 15 June 2024

Great Britain is just great. We can't help ourselves

The Great amd Glorious British Empire will last for 1,000 years and the man who took us to war in 1914, our greatest imperialist and who was voted the Greatest Briton who ever lived, will be so for ever.

Under Queen Elizabeth 1, we sailed the high seas and piracy was properly rewarded with knighthood and rewards for Francis Drake and others.  Not just honours but lands were accrued and their peoples taken into chattel slavery to harvest the tobacco, the cotton, the sugar and all things spicy and nice for us to enjoy.

Other Western countries followed but we were the biggest and best at all things bad.  When slavery did have to be officially abolished, we handsomely rewarded the men who got rich out of it - over the 300 years.  However, it took years to die out, with indentured servitude being only one step down from slavery to give it a slow death.  Only ever talk about Biblical reparations for the descendants of those we abused and killed!

The Great British Empire, leading the West, will last for 1,000 years after our massive victory in 1945 to finally put to death our petty rival and to leave our glorious Empire standing tall and true on the world stage.

That led to the Cold War that brought another mighty victory over the USSR in 1989 when the Berlin War came down and the following decade saw all the former Warsaw Pact countries come over to NATO.  It is now the biggest and finest military pact in the world, with only another 160 countries to still sign up to rub Russia's nose well and truly in it.

Russia is now suing for peace in Ukraine, if we let them have the E side and keeps out of NATO (our new empire!)

Further south, in Gaza, sees another victorious and smashing desolation of that insignificant patch of land under our Western military machine.  Hamas and its buildings and people are flattened by our Western/Israeli onslaught.  But how dare they do 7.10.23.  Serves them right.

And so it goes on because we just can't help ourselves.

Meanwhile, those same Bible-believing nations with their centuries of Christianity, read out in their churches:-

"Not by might, nor by power but by my Spirit, says the Lord"

"Put down your sword", said their founder and Master on one occasion.

An earlier Israeli prophet had, "beat your swords into ploughs and your spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore."

NOT BLESSED LIKELY they won't, not if I have anything to do with it!!

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