Wednesday 19 June 2024

In defence of our green belt

For the 48 years that I have lived in Halesowen, I have been writing in defence of our green belt.  Is that longer than your good self, Ian?

In recent decades,
  • I called it our Golden Green Triangle of 38 sq m;
  • In the triangle, I have planted over 100 of the right trees in the right place, such as the 40 at Ben's Wood, Frankley Services Northbound and the over 30 along the post and rail boundary fence, there;
  • and, I called for our 38 sq m to be included in Andy Street's West Midlands National Park in order to stop further built development.  You may recall what I said at the Green Belt Protection meeting at Earls High School at which James, Simon and Mick were on the platform.
I have attended many of Andy Street's public meetings in his seven years as Mayor and voted for him on all three occasions - 2017, 2021 and 2024.  And my wife did so, too.  I was even invited and attended the Conservative Party celebratory event at Edgbaston Cricket Club in 2017, after Andy's success.

I have always been a very good conservative, conservator of our precious resources and a nature conservationist (see my front garden at 28 Hunnington Cres Halesowen!)  We've even gone over to 100% electricity with most of that coming from our own mini power station of 24 solar panels, since 2013.  We are totally off grid for gas since last November.  How's that for being a good conservative and in compliance with our national Conservative government's wishes?

Unfortunately, not one local or Dudley political party has agreed with me over saving nature, public open space and housing land at Merry Hill SC.  Nor have they wanted the Black Country Railway
completed with local, regional and intercity passenger and freight TRAINS!  Hence, I have never voted Labour, LibDem or Green for very many years in local or regional or national elections.  Only for left of centre Conservative Andy in the Mayoral elections.

Please, Ian explain to me and argue your case for not supporting me over Metro trams staying on the nationally important railway down to Stourbridge Jct, to the national railway network.  I would love to have your reasons.  Please reply.

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