Sunday 16 January 2022

To Tony Verduyn re Russia, Syria, China

Dear Tony

Thanks very much for engaging and giving detailed responses.  Brilliant!  I may respond again for further search for the truth from your good self.  Meanwhile, ...   (turned out longer than I expected!)

Basically, my position is diplomacy rather than the militarisation of diplomacy.  Inclusion and compromise and understanding, respect for other cultures.  Above all the avoidance of pointing the finger at other countries when there are three fingers pointing back at ourselves.  Our own track record over the centuries is abysmal - and shocking revelations from Michael Portillo in TV programmes of his on Channel 5.  A little self-searching over our foreign policy, I think, is in order.  I am not proud of our military interventions since the Boer War from 1899  - and some self-criticism is in order, I think.

I am particularly interested in how our ally in WW2 became our mortal, sworn enemy in a matter of weeks/months in 1945.  And, why Russia was included as G8 but all too soon it became G7, once more.  What went wrong, exactly?  And why could nuclear secrets not be officially shared with all allies instead of spies doing it, unofficially in the 40s, 50s, 60s?  We can learn a thing or two from Gorbachev, I think.  Just give credit to even China and Russia when it is due and, make friends instead of enemies.

In ruthless countries like Russia and Syria is it not more sensible to lie low, keep quiet and certainly not rebel against very nasty, brutal states that brook no opposition?  The protestors in both countries were treated barbarically but the West must keep out of it, don't you think, Tony?  Don't protest if you know you are going to get a bloody nose.  One firebrand author I met at the Wigtown Book Festival was really stirring things up against Assad with his oratory from the platform!  But, where did that get him?  I don't go on a march in London, anymore when I know I am likely to be kettled by the Police.  My last was in Feb 2003 over the illegal, immoral and quite disgraceful Iraq War.  All the fault of ourselves and not Russia or China.

As a deep green and eco-socialist, why does that make me undemocratic and an eco-fascist, Tony?

All the best

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