Tuesday 6 December 2022

Russia on the back foot says MP for Ludlow, Philip Dunne

The West and Russia have both contributed to the present impasse in this "war of dignity, this war of sovereignty" since the Revolution of Dignity in 2014.  Let none of them feel they have won or lost!

We are all to blame, all sides have to talk, to negotiate, to compromise, to quickly stop the killings, the destruction and the escalated ecocide.

But Archbishop Welby does not think so.  This top church leader says, we all have to show resilience, patience and understand it will go on for years.  By then more thousands killed, tens of thousands with war wounds and thousands of buildings flattened.  The crown of the Lord's creation is showing yet more self-destruction, ecocide and wipeout to make us humans His shortest-lived of all His millions of species on the planet.

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