Wednesday 31 July 2024

Quiz on Climate and Transport - improvements, comments and answers welcome!

1)  Does the Climate Emergency mean:
A - warmer summers, cooler winters?
B - summer drought, winter floods?
C - extreme weather events and disturbed climate patterns?

2)  Name two greenhouse gases.

3)  Which is the most potent and which is the most common?

4)  For how long have we known that CO2 is a global warming gas?  
A - 200 years?
B - 100 years?
C - 50 years?

5)  What is the order of these three, below from most expensive to least expensive transport mode to construct?
A - Motorway (M6 Toll) 
B - High Scam 2
C - Tramway

6)  Which is the most popular form of public transport in the West Midlands for getting into work?
A - train
B - tram
C - bus

7)  Which is true?
A - 200 Kms of trams were to be completed by 2000.
B - 150 miles by 2040.
C - 20 Kms were finished by 1999, all but 2 Kms on a former mainline railway!

8)  Which three forms (or modes) of transport preceded the railway network?

9)  Was it the Luftwaffe, UK councillors and MPs or the Dept for Transport who finished off (meaning obliterated, not really finished!) the UK's first tramway network?

10)  Have you heard of any other country on the mainland of Europe which followed suit?

11)  On radial routes into Brum city centre to help free up road space in the 6 hrs of rush hour, do you favour a tramway, a bus lane for all vehicles who have registered as essential users or, the status quo?

12)  One of these subsidy figures is for bus and one for tram.  Which way round is it?  Remember the colossal difference in route lengths travelled!

£9.6 m    £7.6 m    Service Total subsidy 2022/23  (source: Transport for W Midlands)

TIM WELLER     0791 380 4363

ANSWER to 4) from

"Joseph Fourier, a French mathematician and physicist who spent his career pondering the mechanics and equations governing heat transfer. He was intrigued by a puzzle: Why was the Earth as warm as it was? When he estimated how much energy from the sun hit our planet, he figured the Earth ought to be colder than it is.

"The answer, he proposed, must be the atmosphere: It was somehow preventing heat from escaping. In an 1824 paper, he hypothesized that gases in the atmosphere must create barriers that acted to trap heat." 

Monday 29 July 2024

Proposed Blue Brick tram stop on the way to St'bge Jct, NOT Merry Hill

18 July 2024

Please ask Patrick Harley, Leader of Dudley Council, to agree with this:-

I've been reading the WBHE report for tomorrow morning. WMCA Board meeting, Agenda item 8, p 37. It is not good enough that there is no business case for KEEPING the tram on the railway, with electric bus from Blue Brick pub tram stop to Waterfront at Level St, then onto Merry Hill and its bus station.

Please insist on a comparison business case for using the railway to Stourbridge Jct,  bypassing Merry Hill. It would still go through Brierley Hill and attract more passengers between Wednesbury, Dudley and Stourbridge. Tim

1998 N Ireland Peace Agreement shows the way forward

I have always understood that for the first 300 years of the followers of the Way of Jesus, it was very much a minority occupation to go into the Roman army.  The rot really set in with the conversion of Constantine and, then, warfare has been part of the Christian Church ever since.  But what have your studies revealed, Andy?

For me, on day one after 7.10.23, the Israeli government should have started urgent talks with all sides under the auspices of the UN/USA to get a 1998 type N Ireland Peace Agreement with Hamas, PLO, Fatah, Hezbollah and all other key players.  Sinn Fein was involved in the Palestine/Israel impasse after their successful Peace Agreement.  A precedent has been set.  All the key players in the 1990s proved that you can get movement and a just peace of some kind that is a huge improvement on the 3,000 killed in the Troubles.

I sent this off to Steve Maltz yesterday:

Sunday 28 July 2024

'Now Everything Changes - one man's search for truth in a world gone mad'

Dear Steve - if you wish, do reply and put me right, please.

I have read every single word in your book and parts of it more than once.  The first part took a different and interesting approach but I wondered how much was your first-hand experience and how much was a good guess.

It is notable for its use of the words 'hatred' and 'antisemitism' very many times.  Since I have read your book, I would urge you to read the book, 'I Shall Not Hate' by Dr Izzeldin Abuelaish.


"Heart-breaking, hopeful and horrifying, I Shall Not Hate is a Palestinian doctor's inspiring account of his extraordinary life, growing up in poverty but determined to treat his patients in Gaza and Israel regardless of their ethnic origin.

"A London University- and Harvard-trained Palestinian doctor who was born and raised in the Jabalia refugee camp in the Gaza Strip and 'who has devoted his life to medicine and reconciliation between Israelis and Palestinians' (New York Times), Abuelaish is an infertility specialist who lives in Gaza but works in Israel. On the strip of land he calls home (where 1.5 million Gazan refugees are crammed into a few square miles) the Gaza doctor has been crossing the lines in the sand that divide Israelis and Palestinians for most of his life - as a physician who treats patients on both sides of the line, as a humanitarian who sees the need for improved health and education for women as the way forward in the Middle East. And, most recently, as the father whose three daughters (and one niece) were killed by Israeli shells on 16 January 2009, during Israel's incursion into the Gaza Strip. It was his response to this tragedy that made news and won him humanitarian awards around the world. Instead of seeking revenge or sinking into hatred, Izzeldin Abuelaish called for the people in the region to start talking to each other. His deepest hope is that his daughters will be 'the last sacrifice on the road to peace between Palestinians and Israelis'."

My own observation on the tragedy is the Hebrew Scriptures teaching on retaliation that cruel Bibi Netanyahu takes to the ultimate, 'nth' degree.  He very successfully got many hostages released because of the seven day ceasefire in November 2023.  Since then, it has been revenge upon revenge under the guise of a righteous, self-justified, war of self-defence.  It seems to have no end until every citizen of Gaza is either dead or permanently incapacitated, so that not one of them can ever again be a threat to mighty powerful, WMD-capable Israel, the most military powerful nation in the heart of the Arab Middle East.  Our friend and ally also has the 100% support of the USA, whoever is President.  Our American-led Western Empire is supplying weapons and ammunition to continue the war on Gaza.

I am tougher on my own faith, country and power bloc because I do think we should know better.  Our track record over the centuries is far worse than that of the Arab nations.  Our side is the most powerful and wealthiest sphere of influence and the most responsible for the tragedy of the Middle East in the violent 20th century.  Therefore, we must take the initiative in announcing a permanent ceasefire on Hamas, Gaza, Palestine, Hezbollah.  Yet, you Steve believe this is being antisemitic and anti Zionist, don't you, because I, the demonstrators and Corbyn have been insisting on this from the outset. Have I got that right?

The wholly innocent men, women and children of Gaza are trapped in the world's biggest, open-air prison camp.  They cannot even flee in small boats along the coast to escape the relentless onslaught.

If dear Bibi ever stops, I expect he will want the whole world to pay for the rebuilding of flattened Gaza.  I expect he will resist pressure to contribute to the rebuilding.  I am paying through my taxes for the shelling and destruction of Gaza and will have to pay again for reconstruction.  This is ecocidal and immoral behaviour by us lot.  You can't blame it on anything other than ourselves and our inability to be the Good Samaritan (or Jesus) to the other.  Even the saved behave no better after they have been saved!

My born-again Christian believers, like your good self, Steve and my brilliant, caring wife who met you at the conference, are all insistent that Israel is in a spiritual battle against the devil and the forces of darkness in the world.  All believe in violence and that getting a good end does justify using bad means to get there.  I remain convinced that my Lord and Master, Jesus Christ taught the exact opposite.  Hence, I follow the non-violent JC of Nazareth and love the JC of Islington North who shows similar compassion for the poor and the down-trodden in this world.

With every good wish and the Lord's blessing be upon you.

Tim   (Weller  28 Hunnington Cres  HALESOWEN  B63 3DJ)

from Bev Holder re Roy Richardson

Richardson Capital LLP, a multi-generational international investment firm, was founded in the 1940s by Carl’s father Roy Richardson and Roy’s twin brother Don, who died in 2007.

The business, which was behind the creation of the Merry Hill shopping centre – as well as Birmingham’s Star City and Fort Retail Park, has business interests in Europe, America and Australia.

Carl’s recognition for his work in leading the business comes some 26 years after his father and uncle, Roy and Don Richardson, received honorary doctorates from BCU for their contributions to the West Midlands, back in 1998.

Saturday 27 July 2024

The Essence of English Eccentricity seen at premier shopping centre

What nonsense AM I talking about here?

In the bleak, backward, barren Black Country, take the smooth, gliding 22 mph TRAM:-  stop it from connecting to the national railway network.  Instead, divert it off the Two Capital Cities Mainline railway between England and Scotland to do this ...

Put it through public open space, slap bang through precious nature on a high 400 m viaduct alongside the Dudley No 1 Canal.

Only more than 100 m down steps to the entrance to my Merry Heaven Shopping Centre!

It only accelerates the climate/nature emergencies but, the weak W Mids Combined Authority must be climate deniers.

Housing land is also taken for the tramway to mean more homes built on our greenbelt needed to grow our food in tune with nature.

The tragic tram uses only some of the railway between two capitals, so the wasted rest worsens congestion, air pollution, nature and climate crises.  So What They All Say?

Cycle-walkway and test track on the London to Edinburgh Railway adds to the gaiety of the nation, causes national hilarity, spreads English eccentricity to the Scots, worsens Climate and accelerates what, do you think?


Questions never asked to Jon Hayes, Ashley Jackson and Andrew Leo

Pensioners get transport briefing on 25 July 2024

  1. What is the cost for the three delivery models: Enhanced Partnership (EP), Future Partnership (FP) and Franchising?
  2. Report on Agenda Item 7, 9.2, page 30 has:
"The assessment of the three options shows an ongoing decline in patronage and service provision over the appraisal period under current budget levels due to rising costs and reducing patronage, which is most stark under a continued EP or FP approach.  If more funding became available, further investment into the network would be possible under any scenario."

In other words, more money to entice commuters onto Fare-Free Public Transport (FFPT) and using the money to provide more routes and services would stem the decline.

  1. What is the cost, to date of all the work done to date, including the vast amounts of paper used?
  2. Should all of this cost and work have been better spent on addressing the climate emergency that remains on the backburner, shelved and forgotten on a top shelf, gathering dust?  Actually, climate disaster is accelerating alarmingly.

Thursday 25 July 2024

to Cathy Bayton


1. While the option presented by Tim Weller could lower costs for the WBH extension, it would not directly stop at Merry Hill and The Waterfront, two of the line’s main attractors. This would impact patronage and thus the overall viability of the scheme.

2. From 2021 assessments, the most promising option to link Brierley Hill and Stourbridge Junction is to share the live rail freight line from Stourbridge Junction to Round Oak terminal with a tram-train and then proceed to join the Metro line to provide direct services without
interchange to Merry Hill and The Waterfront . This enables higher service frequencies to attract significant patronage. Light rail and Very Light Rail services would require a separate single line which would only give low frequency services, attracting less patronage. This suggests that the feasibility of tram-train, from Stourbridge to Brierley Hill, and then onto Dudley, Wednesbury and Walsall needs to be explored further.

Jake concluded that a tram-train might fit the bill between Stourbridge Jct and wherever the tram terminated or, replacing the Metro tram completely with the tram-train.  Yet more enormous expense!  From the 1980s, the plan has always been to argue:
"Light rail investment provides the basis for restoring heavy rail services at the appropriate time."  Tom Magrath, Passenger Services Director, Centro in a letter to me, dated September 2000.  In other words, some kind of tram must go on the railway first, in order to get the trains back.  Palpably absurd!

As you know, there is a Transport and Works Act Order to destroy nature, housing land and public open space at Merry Hill.  Yet, Cathy, it only needs the political will to change the Order and that can easily be done if the top decision makers wish to save £100s millions in both price and weight of deadly greenhouse gas emissions.  And, increase the usefulness of the tram to us all.  When a blunder is made, it can be undone.

Please can you use your influence to stop the tram depositing passengers over 100 m from the main front entrance and on top of the embankment next to the towpath,too?!  The monorail should never have been sent off to Queensland!

Wednesday 24 July 2024

Ignoring Russia’s fears about Nato expansion was a mistake

Simon Jenkins, describing his horror at our new prime minister considering whether to allow Ukraine to use British missiles for strikes deep into Russia, is a rare voice of reason in a chorus of relentless escalation (It’s worrying to see the prime minister cheerleading for war. Will Ukraine turn into Starmer’s Iraq?, 15 July). Western leaders across the board seem to have forgotten the promises made to Mikhail Gorbachev more than 30 years ago, assuring him of our commitment to not extend the borders of Nato into the old Soviet bloc.

Since then, we have seen numerous former Soviet states join Nato, leaving Russia encircled to the west, with hostile missiles, troops, tanks and planes now pointing in its direction from its own backyard. Russian discomfort at this situation over the past 20 years has been ignored, and it is my belief that the invasion of Ukraine was entirely due to the fear that Ukraine too would be accepted into the Nato alliance.

There doesn’t seem to be a single western leader or military strategist who is seeking to understand the Russian position; they seem to think it’s perfectly acceptable for Nato to extend its sphere of influence into Russia’s back garden.

Those who forget the lessons of history are destined to repeat its mistakes. Ironically, our best hope of averting the third world war may turn out to be the election of Donald Trump. He is a narcissistic maniac, but he would appear to be the only leader who appreciates the danger of this new era of western imperialism. He alone understands the futility of pouring billions into a war that Ukraine cannot win without Nato troops on the ground and planes in the sky. Nato appears to have a severe case of groupthink; meanwhile, the survival of human civilisation is in grave danger.
Jonathan Gorse
Milland, West Sussex

To John R

Thanks for the 2 Guardian articles. The well off, like me are getting away with paying too little tax. Yet my taxes are being spent wrongly on armaments, Trident, High Scam 2, Metro, Sprint glitz and glam and not on the poor, the badly housed and certainly never with lessening climate catastrophe. Hence, I had to abstain in the GE, this time. And I cannot support HMG being so weak on our friend and ally, Israel. Netanyahu takes our slaughter and destruction on Afghanistan and Iraq to a new level.    Tim

to Steve Maltz

Dear Steve

I have read every single word in your book and parts of it more than once.

It is notable for use of the words 'hatred' and 'antisemitism' very many times.  Since I have read your book, I would urge you to read the book, 'I Shall Not Hate' by Dr Izzeldin Abuelaish.


"Heart-breaking, hopeful and horrifying, I Shall Not Hate is a Palestinian doctor's inspiring account of his extraordinary life, growing up in poverty but determined to treat his patients in Gaza and Israel regardless of their ethnic origin.

"A London University- and Harvard-trained Palestinian doctor who was born and raised in the Jabalia refugee camp in the Gaza Strip and 'who has devoted his life to medicine and reconciliation between Israelis and Palestinians' (New York Times), Abuelaish is an infertility specialist who lives in Gaza but works in Israel. On the strip of land he calls home (where 1.5 million Gazan refugees are crammed into a few square miles) the Gaza doctor has been crossing the lines in the sand that divide Israelis and Palestinians for most of his life - as a physician who treats patients on both sides of the line, as a humanitarian who sees the need for improved health and education for women as the way forward in the Middle East. And, most recently, as the father whose three daughters (and one niece) were killed by Israeli shells on 16 January 2009, during Israel's incursion into the Gaza Strip. It was his response to this tragedy that made news and won him humanitarian awards around the world. Instead of seeking revenge or sinking into hatred, Izzeldin Abuelaish called for the people in the region to start talking to each other. His deepest hope is that his daughters will be 'the last sacrifice on the road to peace between Palestinians and Israelis'."

My own observation on the tragedy is the Hebrew Scriptures teaching on retaliation that cruel Bibi Netanyahu takes to the ultimate, 'nth' degree.  He very successfully got many hostages released because of the seven day ceasefire in November 2023.  Since then, it has been revenge upon revenge under the guise of a righteous, self-justified, war of self-defence.  It seems to have no end until every citizen of Gaza is either dead or permanently incapacitated, so that not one of them can ever again be a threat to mighty powerful, WMD-capable Israel, the most military powerful nation in the heart of the Arab Middle East.  Our friend and ally also has the 100% support of the USA, whoever is President.  Our American-led Western Empire is supplying weapons and ammunition to continue the war on Gaza.

I am tougher on my own faith, country and power bloc because I do think we should know better.  Our track record over the centuries is far worse than that of the Arab nations.  Our side is the most powerful and wealthiest sphere of influence and the most responsible for the tragedy of the Middle East over the last century.  Therefore, we must take the initiative in announcing a permanent ceasefire on Hamas, Gaza, Palestine, Hezbollah.  Yet, you Steve believe this is being antisemitic and antizionist, don't you, because I, the demonstrators and Corbyn have been insisting on this from the outset?

The wholly innocent men, women and children of Gaza are trapped in the world's biggest, open-air prison camp.  They cannot even flee in small boats to Cyprus to escape the relentless onslaught.

If dear Bibi ever stops, I expect he will want the whole world to pay for the rebuilding of flattened Gaza.  I expect he will resist pressure to contribute to the rebuilding.  I am paying through my taxes for the shelling and destruction of Gaza and will have to pay again for reconstruction.

My born-again Christian believers, like your good self, Steve and my brilliant, caring wife who met you at the conference, are all insistent that Israel is in a spiritual battle against the devil and the forces of darkness in the world.  All believe in violence and that getting a good end does justify using bad means to get there.  I remain convinced that my Lord and Master, Jesus Christ taught the exact opposite.  Hence, I follow the non-violent JC of Nazareth and love the JC of Islington North who shows similar compassion for the poor and the down-trodden in this world.

Monday 22 July 2024

13 February 2024 - 3 new stations

Transport bosses are developing proposals for three new railway stations in the West Midlands.

Castle Bromwich, Coventry East and the Tettenhall area were shortlisted by the West Midlands Rail Executive (WMRE) as part of a feasibility study.

The areas were identified because they have no rapid public transport links and some high levels of deprivation, the WMRE said.


GET A GRIP ON THE DRIFT into more spending!

WMCA Full Franchising Assessment Report (Draft) - Confidential

Who commissioned this report?  Name the individual.
Who wrote this report?  Name the individuals.
What was the cost of this report?
Why is it confidential?
How many pages is the report?
How are our council leaders expected to read 500 pages?
One council leader, was it George Duggins who speculated that he might read the thing on holiday this summer?  (He must NOT! NO, George!  Please come to your senses.  Ditch it.  Send it back!)

Please scrap the whole unnecessary, money-spinning business for outside consultants, who will always recommend what will mean more business for them and/or what will please the paymaster (all of us taxpayers)

I thought that Richard Parker started well with his introductory speech.  He spoke of a Day of Reckoning because of serious financial difficulties.  I'm not surprised!

However, he said he wanted "full public control of bus services" when for years, under the effective Enhanced Bus Partnership, money has always talked with TfWM giving the bus operators the funds to operate the routes and fares that TfWM/WMCA wanted.  Therefore, TfWM/WMCA already has full public control.

Neither Richard nor any other member of the Board mentioned the Climate Emergency which must be their top priority and not the Full Financial Assessment which is another unfortunate diversion.  And, must already be costing millions of pounds in price and in weight of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in meetings, writing and paper.

Richard spoke of seven railway stations and three Metro routes.  What are these?  After months of delay, only one station (the now, truly gigantic University station) was rebuilt.  Darlaston, Willenhall, Pineapple Road, Moseley and Kings Heath are still years behind their opening dates.  Aldridge station, too is waiting as is the whole Sutton railway line still not in use for passenger trains.

Putting LR trams, a VLR test track and pedal cycles on the Black Country Railway between London and Edinburgh is also truly bizarre.  For 40 years, your policy of "Light rail investment provides the basis for restoring heavy rail services at the appropriate time" has remained unchallenged by everyone except me!  Such transport derangement is unheard of anywhere else in the world!

MY NOTES from the meeting - scrawled in longhand so do correct:

"The Camp Hill line has seen a 67% rise in costs and is delayed for another 12 months!" and "must have a greater focus on delivery" said Richard.

Agenda Item 7:

Ian Courts assumed that bus franchising is right (it is NOT!) but numbers change, mentioned a 500 pages report but still wanted more detail.

The second man (who was he?) to speak after Ian supports franchising "to compete and to help the poor."  (The main aim of highly expensive Metro is to help the poor, according to Item 8, 16.6, page 50!!)

Steve Simkins spoke of failing train operators and "transport is an economic driver."

Bob Sleigh accepted that consultants said bus franchising was the right way forward but was concerned about the cost of franchising and raised the size of the report to 508 pages!  He also made clear that the Enhanced Bus Partnership has worked well for years to the benefit of both operators and passengers.  (YES!)

Was it Bob who mentioned a "staggering 464 pages" or did I mishear?

He said that the cost of the Enhanced Partnership was £637,000 (per year?) but that Full Franchising would be £35 m and that buying the garages would be over £100 m.  Please correct.

Bob is "not convinced that franchising is the right way."

Sharon Thompson, Deputy Mayor supports franchising.

Ian Courts said that Manchester has done eight years of work on franchising and we've only just begun.

Tim Huxtable said that cost is the greatest barrier to franchising and our bus fares are cheaper than Gt Manchester thanks to the Enhanced Bus Partnership.

Richard Parker said that value for money is at the heart of it.

George Duggins said something about an audit to lose 30% of the bus network.  (What was all that about - please correct)

Ian Courts abstained over the decision to move the process to the next stage but, this was not an endorsement or acceptance of franchising.

Agenda Item 8:

Anne Shaw talked of affordability issues with the WBHE aka Dudley Tram but it is in a growth corridor.  (Clearly, growth in ever more expense with trams instead of trains that were so successful for 100 years.)

Patrick Harley said he supported the recommendation but some part of it went from £45 m in October '23 to £60 m in July.  Then, an £8.7 m increase in costs over design flaws in the Dudley Transport Interchange was it?  Please correct/clarify.

Richard Parker said his independent report would improve accountability.

Jim Boyle wanted the tram scheme to be at the centre of the independent review.  £100s millions he said (for a few Kms on a mainline railway!)

Steve Simkins thought "governance was shot to pieces" over this project.

Tim Huxtable commented that they were using a disused railway and it was Network Rail that caused the rises in cost and the delays.  He mentioned Parkhead Viaduct strengthening.  (Why didn't Network Fail take responsibility for THEIR infrastructure?  Way OTT with all the support rods through it but nothing for in use Stambermill Viaduct!)

Patrick Harley: "Compliance has failed in the CA."

Corrections, clarifications, comments, feedback welcomed, please.

Tim Weller

Richard Parker's 3 key policies

Mr Parker listed three key policies he wanted to pursue. Firstly, he said he wanted to follow the lead of Greater Manchester Mayor Andy Burnham in "bringing the buses (in the West Midlands) back into public control".

He also plans to solve "profound housing challenge” in the region through the “biggest programme of social housing we’ve seen in the West Midlands for 40 years”.

And he added: “We need to overhaul the skills system so young people in particular can access the skills they need to get better jobs all round. The lack of skills is blighting people’s lives, especially if they come from the poorer parts of the West Midlands.”

Mr Parker said his mayoralty would work best if it brought together the public, private, third and educational sectors.

His missions to promote commercial development would include working to streamline the planning process, saying: "It takes too long for businesses that want to invest.”

He also said he wanted to “overhaul the role of the West Midlands Growth Company”, building on its existing work to support SMEs, adding there would be a new skills strategy to help local people and businesses to access the workers they needed.

Sunday 21 July 2024

One humble home per person/couple - for social and climate justice

Thanks for this John.  Hence, my agitation for blocks of 1/2 bedroom apartments for the most badly housed who do not own a car at High Plateau, Merry Hill SC.  Roads and parking space only for visitors, ideally.

I've just been listening to Radio 4's 'Political Thinking' when wealthy Robert Jenrick was interviewed.  He did not deny that he has multiple homes.  Perhaps, they are all occupied and in use.  However, we cannot escape the fact that the rich have two or three homes for themselves, only to use, while the poor and migrants are most disgracefully housed in buildings that must be revamped to make them energy efficient and climate proofed - and, simply, comfortably habitable.  A shocking state of affairs in a supposedly civilised country.

In one 'Ask Andy' public meeting, Andy had the honesty to accept that he owned 3.5 homes when a very well informed member of the public challenged him about it.  I think he shares one with Michael Fabricant.

The wealthy also live in homes that are far too big, have far too much money and are typical of how I feel that am so entitled, privileged, fortunate - even living in my one humble home for 48 years, so far.

Saturday 20 July 2024

You are so correct in your analysis

 Dear Richard - and copied to two Labour Party MPs, one of them mine own and, a Labour councillor 

My own conclusion is that the seven local councils and the WMCA are seriously overstretched and have bitten off far more than they can chew.  You have said something similar, as here.  How very true this is.  So put a stop to it - please!:-


But Mr Parker said that even before he was elected there were problems arising.

"I could see that the previous mayor's grand promises for additional transport connectivity in the region weren't being delivered," he said.

"That's why since being elected, I have made it my business to understand what is happening with the delivery of capital and transport projects."

He said he had instigated an in-depth independent review of all transport projects, adding promises had previously been made about projects, without the necessary resources to sustain them.

In a statement @RichParkerLab said: “I am now very concerned about a number of significant issues that have been brought to my attention regarding the funding, delivery and delay of major transport projects in the region."

END of quotes

Yesterday's WMCA Board meeting revealed yet more delays, more over spending and plain shortage of funds.  No wonder when the seven local authorities in the region are in no way up to the job to deliver so many massive and major transport schemes that should have been delivered, in their entirety, by Network Rail and the DfT.  Only those national bodies have the experience and expertise to deliver commuter, regional and intercity trains on the UK's major London to Edinburgh railway that had 120 Kms built but, without the rather vital trains between Stourbridge Jct and Burton on Trent.

Every crossing for every motorway, road and canal was built but the trains and stations were missing, forgotten.  So nearly all of the missing 120 Kms/74 miles on this railway "of national strategic significance" is being turned into a tramway, a 2 Km test track for Very Light Rail and a cycle-walkway between Walsall and Lichfield, the cycle-walkway for tens of millions of pounds in price and in weight of greenhouse gas emissions!
The seven councils and WMCA are juggling far too many balls in the air and dropping all of them.  Your next trick is to come up with yet more super expense with bus franchising when you are already scrabbling around to find more money for your existing multitude of projects and clever schemes.

Spend the money on rewards for car commuters who leave their cars at home to free up road space for essential vehicle users.  As here:

Most of us are so entitled but never acknowledge it and act accordingly

Thanks for this John.  Hence, my agitation for blocks of 1/2 bedroom apartments for the most badly housed who do not own a car at High Plateau, Merry Hill SC.  Roads and parking space only for visitors, ideally.

I've just been listening to Radio 4's 'Political Thinking' when wealthy Robert Jenrick was interviewed.  He did not deny that he has multiple homes.  Perhaps, they are all occupied and in use.  However, we cannot escape the fact that the rich have two or three homes for themselves, only to use, while the poor and migrants are most disgracefully housed in buildings that must be revamped to make them energy efficient and climate proofed - and, simply, comfortably habitable.  A shocking state of affairs in a supposedly civilised country.

In one 'Ask Andy' public meeting, Andy had the honesty to accept that he owned 3.5 homes when a very well-informed member of the public challenged him about it.  I think he shares one with Michael Fabricant.

The wealthy also live in homes that are far too big, have far too much money and are typical of how I feel that I am so entitled, privileged, fortunate - even living in my one humble home for 48 years, so far.

My idea is what they've creeping towards, millimetre at a time, for 40 years!

Thinking that only Metro trams can get commuter and passenger/freight trains back on the London to Edinburgh Mainline railway, viz:

"Light rail investment provides the basis for restoring heavy rail services at the appropriate time" (letter from Centro in September 2000 about WBHE and Camp Hill line must have trams first)!!

I've been reading the WBHE report for Friday morning 19 July. Agenda item 8, p 37. It is not good enough that there is no business case for KEEPING the tram on the railway, with electric bus from Blue Brick pub tram stop to Waterfront at Level St, then onto Merry Hill and its bus station.

Please insist on a comparison business case for using the railway to Stourbridge Jct,  bypassing Merry Hill. It would still go through Brierley Hill and attract more passengers between Wednesbury,  Dudley and Stourbridge. Tim

Friday 19 July 2024

"Dudley Council leader's fury over Metro extension delays" 'Halesowen News'

Dear Tim (Huxtable) - do you agree with what I have written?  Please reply.  And Max, too sir.

Patrick is so right to be furious over more delays and further big increases in costs before the Dudley Tram, aka WBHE, ever glides into even its first tram stop between Wednesbury and only as far as Dudley Transport Interchange, aka Dudley bus station.

In about 1995, to me personally, this scheme was solemnly declared would definitely be up and running from Wednesbury to Brierley Hill by the year 2000 CE.  The person who was speaking was none other than the Leader of Dudley Council, at that time, Cllr Fred Hunt - since departed this life a​lthough, I believe, he did see his prize project start​, on the ground, in 2019.

​In the 1980s, the Dudley Tram extension was to be the third Metro tram line to be completed after Snow Hill to Wolverhampton Low Level station on the first mainline railway wrecked and, after Brum city centre extension to west of the Calthorpe Estate building in Hagley Road. That fine building was down for demolition.  It gets the chop when the tram is extended to Bearwood, along with about 1,000 trees, shrubs and front gardens on the south side of Hagley Road.​  The Westside extension was over ten times the cost per Km of rebuilding the Borders Railway through the Southern Uplands of Scotland when it opened in 2015.


It is now 24 years late in arriving and even by 2025, it will be only the first 5.5 Kms that will be finally finished and in use!!  In fact, in one colourful glossy brochure, 200 Kms of tramway were to be in place by the year 2000, would you believe!  It is now ​to be 150 miles by the year 2040 for £15 billion (2020 figure).

​Yesterday's WMCA Board meeting revealed yet more delays, more over spending and plain shortage of funds.  No wonder when the seven local authorities in the region are in no way up to the job to deliver so many massive and major transport schemes that should have been delivered, in their entirety, by Network Rail and the DfT.  Only those national bodies have the experience and expertise to deliver commuter, regional and intercity trains on the UK's major London to Edinburgh railway that had 120 Kms ​built but, without the rather vital trains between Stourbridge Jct and Burton on Trent.  Every crossing for every motorway, road and canal was built but the trains and stations were missing, forgotten.  So nearly all of the missing 120 Kms/74 miles on this railway "of national strategic significance" is being turned into a tramway, a 2 Km test track for Very Light Rail and a cycle-walkway between Walsall and Lichfield, for tens of millions of pounds in price and in weight of greenhouse gas emissions!

​You and other top councillors are juggling far too many balls in the air and dropping all of them.  Your next trick is to come up with yet more super expense with bus franchising when you are already scrabbling around to find more money for your existing multitude of projects and clever schemes.

​The three Conservative councils are right to oppose bus franchising and to support Andy Street who told me he was against bus franchising on grounds of cost.  How right he was!  I voted for Andy all three times.  PLEASE SUPPORT HIM, NOW and oppose vigorously the waste of money that will be involved in totally unnecessary bus franchising.  Stop the waste of officer time and stop consultants and auditors making further progress - and yet more expense.  STOP the huge expense in buying up four bus depots and buses, etc.  Concentrate on enhancing the Enhanced Bus Partnership and work towards regional Fare-Free Public Transport (FFPT) for all, PLUS THIS:
​CAN YOU OPEN TO READ THIS?  Please reply.

​Where do I find the 508 pages report on franchising that one council leader mentioned yesterday?

Use the Metro and Sprint extension millions to get FFPT and my rewards for car commuters freeing up road space for essential users.  And to finally address the climate emergency with the poor first and THEIR homes.

Tell me if I am right or wrong - PLEASE!

Monday 15 July 2024

"One nation solemnly promised to a second nation the country of a third" Arthur Koestler



For a very readable, sober and impartial account, that appears very fair on both the Arabs and the Jews, you need to read two or three pages, in particular, from page 56 in Jeremy Bowen's book, 'The Making of the Modern Middle East', pub 2022.  This is my more personal interpretation that I think is accurate but puts things more starkly and is not to be compared with the carefully referenced 350 pages.

Bowen's book is essential reading for a measured, non-partisan history that reflects his own 40 years, this year, of being a highly respected journalist who has reported from the ground on wars all over the world - and might have been killed many times.

The very biggest and beastliest Empire that has ever dominated humanity, very gallantly gave away a tiny part of its empire to the Jews, naively thinking, "There can't possibly be eruptions from the Arabs after nearly 2,000 years of occupation by many, many more non-Jews than Jews."

Yet, in the interlude in the World's Worst War, 1914 to 1945, there were tit for tat massacres and Britain was ready to divide out Palestine between the two sides.  But then to keep them well apart - with the help of the UN, immediately from the end of the War in 1945 never happened.  Perhaps, the US and the UK, with the French and other nations should have forcibly gone in, with their armed forces, to brook no nonsense and to impose what they thought was the fairest solution for all.

The Zionist terrorist gangs needed to be put down as fiercely as the Arab uprisings and massacres were put down by the British Army in the 1930s (page 59).

I think, this is one reason for having armed forces under the control of the UN that all nations should accept as the final arbiter and authority.

The Zionists/Jews/Israel now want the lot from the river to the sea.  It's in their Constitution as their ultimate objective, I've heard.  It is certainly in the Bible as the Greater Promised Land (or is it the Lesser Promised Land?!).  Promised by God no less, not the not so angelic Brits, this time who messed about the Arabs in living up to their reputation, as perfidious Albion.

With T E Lawrence, the Arab nations helped us defeat the Ottoman Empire but what thanks did they get?  More rule by the duplicitous British and French, with the secret 1916 Sykes-Picot Agreement carving up the Middle East to the advantage of both nations and the pretty meaningless, dangerously misleading, all things to both sides and, so the divide and rule, foolish Balfour Declaration of 1917 ("conflicting promises", p 58 - Bowen).

The other authoritative book is Sathnam's Sanghera's 'Empireworld', pub 2024.  Read page 214 and the notes to p 214 on page 404.

Friday 12 July 2024

'Now Everything Changes' by Steve Maltz

Dear Church Council

I am reading Linda's book by the Messianic Christian and strong supporter of Israel, Steve Maltz who spoke at last weekend's conference she was at.

In 76 years of listening to sermons from my Dad first and, thereafter, from many evangelical and not so evangelical Christian preachers, I have never heard a message on the non-violence that Jesus preached and practised.  Les Hardwick came the nearest with references like, "killing is not the way" that I remember on one occasion.

Could one of you leaders have a go, perhaps?  I wrote this to Steve, yesterday:

'Now Everything Changes' by Steve Maltz

I am reading the book and would comment in this way:

Steve says he is searching for truth which is great.  However, unfortunately, often one person's truth is another person's falsehood.

Yet again, it is we Brits it seems, who are wholly to blame for the most unholy of Holy Lands.  We withdrew from Palestine in 1948 in the face of Zionist terrorism between 1945 and 1948 before the United Nations imposed borders for both and sent in an international Peacekeeping Force to keep the two sides apart, which never happened.

The Zionists/Jews/Israel are on our side.  Israel is part of the American-led West and sympathy with the Jews was high after the Holocaust.  Is this why we allowed them to profit from their aggression before an agreement with the Arabs was reached?  But an agreement is even more impossible now.

Everything changes must mean non-violence should be embraced for all sides, in my opinion. 

Nine months and 38,000 slaughtered with tens of thousands injured still means the Hamas defence wing is still able to fight back to kill and injure IDF soldiers.  It proves the futility of war and the ineffectiveness of killing your enemies - they just bounce back with yet more hatred.

I would expect a message on non-violence would include the Sermon on the Mount, the Good Samaritan and what Zaccheus did as regards repentance and reparations.  And, a remarkable book, 'I Shall Not Hate', by a world-class medical doctor and expert in fertility who worked in Israeli hospitals.  He and his family lived in a Gazan refugee camp.  Four months before the three weeks war in 2008/9 between Israel and Hamas, his wife died of cancer.  In that war, an Israeli tank shelled his home, killing three of his five daughters and his teenage niece. 

Could one of you prepare and deliver something on these lines, perhaps?