Wednesday 3 July 2024

Jewish/Israeli history - a fair and accurate resume?

Israel's first manifestation in the Hebrew and Christian Scriptures shows that Israel and the Arabs (leading, eventually to Islam) were born out of sexual immorality and was soon followed by cheating, dishonesty and deception.

I'm thinking of Abraham who had sex with a slave girl to give Ishmael who was not considered a member of the people of Israel.  Abraham's other son was Isaac who was.  With Rebekah, came Esau and Jacob.  Next, Jacob deceived Isaac, his dad, to take Esau's birthright to inherit and gave it to himself, instead!  Jacob was then 'honoured' by being renamed Israel.  This behaviour is obviously unethical but was given by Yawheh.


Last century, with Christian faith embedded in the Western European nations, we saw centuries of Jewish persecution which culminated in six million Jews being killed by one of the Christian nations.  Some of the surviving Jews than used terrorism to force Britain which had the UN Mandate, to flee Palestine.  In 1948, the State of Israel was born out of force, coercion and violence and some of the inhabitants of the land fled to neighbouring countries, while those who stayed were subsumed into the State of Israel.

Not sexual immorality, dishonesty and deception this time but intimidation, terrorism and violence from the Children of Abraham who were and are to this day, still at it, especially in Gaza.  This, even after nine months of the slaughter of the 95% who are innocent in not taking to killing Israelis.

Over the recent centuries of the biggest and most powerful empire (Christian) in history, with its theft of land, property and people, it does have to be acknowledged that it is the Bible and its adherents who are responsible.

What is wrong with them and, in particular, the moral teaching of the Bible?

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