Monday 15 July 2024

"One nation solemnly promised to a second nation the country of a third" Arthur Koestler



For a very readable, sober and impartial account, that appears very fair on both the Arabs and the Jews, you need to read two or three pages, in particular, from page 56 in Jeremy Bowen's book, 'The Making of the Modern Middle East', pub 2022.  This is my more personal interpretation that I think is accurate but puts things more starkly and is not to be compared with the carefully referenced 350 pages.

Bowen's book is essential reading for a measured, non-partisan history that reflects his own 40 years, this year, of being a highly respected journalist who has reported from the ground on wars all over the world - and might have been killed many times.

The very biggest and beastliest Empire that has ever dominated humanity, very gallantly gave away a tiny part of its empire to the Jews, naively thinking, "There can't possibly be eruptions from the Arabs after nearly 2,000 years of occupation by many, many more non-Jews than Jews."

Yet, in the interlude in the World's Worst War, 1914 to 1945, there were tit for tat massacres and Britain was ready to divide out Palestine between the two sides.  But then to keep them well apart - with the help of the UN, immediately from the end of the War in 1945 never happened.  Perhaps, the US and the UK, with the French and other nations should have forcibly gone in, with their armed forces, to brook no nonsense and to impose what they thought was the fairest solution for all.

The Zionist terrorist gangs needed to be put down as fiercely as the Arab uprisings and massacres were put down by the British Army in the 1930s (page 59).

I think, this is one reason for having armed forces under the control of the UN that all nations should accept as the final arbiter and authority.

The Zionists/Jews/Israel now want the lot from the river to the sea.  It's in their Constitution as their ultimate objective, I've heard.  It is certainly in the Bible as the Greater Promised Land (or is it the Lesser Promised Land?!).  Promised by God no less, not the not so angelic Brits, this time who messed about the Arabs in living up to their reputation, as perfidious Albion.

With T E Lawrence, the Arab nations helped us defeat the Ottoman Empire but what thanks did they get?  More rule by the duplicitous British and French, with the secret 1916 Sykes-Picot Agreement carving up the Middle East to the advantage of both nations and the pretty meaningless, dangerously misleading, all things to both sides and, so the divide and rule, foolish Balfour Declaration of 1917 ("conflicting promises", p 58 - Bowen).

The other authoritative book is Sathnam's Sanghera's 'Empireworld', pub 2024.  Read page 214 and the notes to p 214 on page 404.

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