Tuesday 9 July 2024

75 years of NATO

Always fear, paranoia and thinking the worst of the other drives alliances and re-armament.  Friendship and tolerance for different cultures goes out of the window.

When Russia tried friendship and rapprochment, from the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 to the disbandment of the Warsaw Pact, the West took advantage of their mighty victory, as they saw it.  The West rubbed the Russian noses in the dirt and quickly expanded east to welcome in the former Warsaw Pact countries into NATO.  What a cheek!  What lack of empathy!  What pig-headedness!

Alliances and imperialism drove the European empires into the disastrous World War in two halves that led to the Cold War with NATO and the Warsaw Pact being formed.  Mutually Assured Destruction and the balance between those two alliances were blown out of the water when the Warsaw Pact was disbanded.  The world became top-heavy and out of balance when we took advantage of further, E European countries being welcomed into NATO.

Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.  Gorbachev led to Putrid and a turning away from the West to the East under Putrid.  Perhaps Putrid thought we were getting too big for our boots.

Our side even failed to see that world domination by America and our side was bound, sooner or later, to upset the Kremlin.

We even failed to stop our military exercises in the former Warsaw Pact countries; or to withdraw our nukes from E Europe and to stop NATO expansion, as Russia insisted.

We couldn’t wait for an election to get rid of pro-Russian Yanukovych, but our hot heads saw about 100 killed in a revolution to get rid of the man who had been fairly and properly elected in Ukraine.

We simply went on being greedy and now want Taiwan, too! 

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