Saturday 27 July 2024

Questions never asked to Jon Hayes, Ashley Jackson and Andrew Leo

Pensioners get transport briefing on 25 July 2024

  1. What is the cost for the three delivery models: Enhanced Partnership (EP), Future Partnership (FP) and Franchising?
  2. Report on Agenda Item 7, 9.2, page 30 has:
"The assessment of the three options shows an ongoing decline in patronage and service provision over the appraisal period under current budget levels due to rising costs and reducing patronage, which is most stark under a continued EP or FP approach.  If more funding became available, further investment into the network would be possible under any scenario."

In other words, more money to entice commuters onto Fare-Free Public Transport (FFPT) and using the money to provide more routes and services would stem the decline.

  1. What is the cost, to date of all the work done to date, including the vast amounts of paper used?
  2. Should all of this cost and work have been better spent on addressing the climate emergency that remains on the backburner, shelved and forgotten on a top shelf, gathering dust?  Actually, climate disaster is accelerating alarmingly.

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