Friday 5 July 2024

WHAT WMCA MUST DO - urgently

Fighting the Climate Emergency after 5 years of business as usual must be WMCA's top priority. DONE by diverting the £1.3 billion going into tram extensions into putting 1/2 bedroom apartments in 3-storey blocks for the most badly housed WITHOUT cars at 22,000 sq m High Plateau, between Merry Hill shops and Brierley High St shops.  Highly energy efficient, properly insulated and solar powered homes.  We cannot afford to lose ANY of this 30 year old housing land to trams which are grossly and irresponsibly expensive both to construct and subsidise.  Therefore, accelerating Climate catastrophe.

NEXT, bring in regional Fare-Free Public Transport for all and not just old crocks like me.  BUT, there must be the stick of stiff penalties for those who refuse to leave their cars at home on Hagley Road to free up the roads for those who have registered to avoid the charge because they are authenticated ESSENTIAL VEHICLE USERS.

THIRDLY, tram money in the WMCA must be transferred to urgently insulate and solar power the homes of the poorest - those on Universal Credit.

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