Wednesday 31 July 2024

Quiz on Climate and Transport - improvements, comments and answers welcome!

1)  Does the Climate Emergency mean:
A - warmer summers, cooler winters?
B - summer drought, winter floods?
C - extreme weather events and disturbed climate patterns?

2)  Name two greenhouse gases.

3)  Which is the most potent and which is the most common?

4)  For how long have we known that CO2 is a global warming gas?  
A - 200 years?
B - 100 years?
C - 50 years?

5)  What is the order of these three, below from most expensive to least expensive transport mode to construct?
A - Motorway (M6 Toll) 
B - High Scam 2
C - Tramway

6)  Which is the most popular form of public transport in the West Midlands for getting into work?
A - train
B - tram
C - bus

7)  Which is true?
A - 200 Kms of trams were to be completed by 2000.
B - 150 miles by 2040.
C - 20 Kms were finished by 1999, all but 2 Kms on a former mainline railway!

8)  Which three forms (or modes) of transport preceded the railway network?

9)  Was it the Luftwaffe, UK councillors and MPs or the Dept for Transport who finished off (meaning obliterated, not really finished!) the UK's first tramway network?

10)  Have you heard of any other country on the mainland of Europe which followed suit?

11)  On radial routes into Brum city centre to help free up road space in the 6 hrs of rush hour, do you favour a tramway, a bus lane for all vehicles who have registered as essential users or, the status quo?

12)  One of these subsidy figures is for bus and one for tram.  Which way round is it?  Remember the colossal difference in route lengths travelled!

£9.6 m    £7.6 m    Service Total subsidy 2022/23  (source: Transport for W Midlands)

TIM WELLER     0791 380 4363

ANSWER to 4) from

"Joseph Fourier, a French mathematician and physicist who spent his career pondering the mechanics and equations governing heat transfer. He was intrigued by a puzzle: Why was the Earth as warm as it was? When he estimated how much energy from the sun hit our planet, he figured the Earth ought to be colder than it is.

"The answer, he proposed, must be the atmosphere: It was somehow preventing heat from escaping. In an 1824 paper, he hypothesized that gases in the atmosphere must create barriers that acted to trap heat." 

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