Monday 8 November 2021

JUST BUILD MORE HOMES LIKE MINE - not nuclear power stations

The thing is very high in greenhouse gas emissions during construction - like High Scam 2 and Metro trams - but very low when generating over the lifetime of the station (25 years?).  When does the one cancel out the other?  But then there must be some greenhouse gases emitted in decommissioning over the years.

The whole thing is counterproductive.  And threatened by sea-level rise.  And, totally unnecessary, as well if we only could go for PV on every suitable roof, every other renewables, energy efficiency and were much less greedy and extravagant in our unsustainable lifestyles.

Unfortunately, more greenhouse gases (GHG) are emitted in construction than they can possibly save, eventually in having low carbon electricity from the thing.
No one knows how many years of generation must take place before the greenhouse gases in construction are eventually cancelled out.

Instead, every building a mini-power station, like my home!  Thanks to PV solar panels and storage batteries.

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