Sunday 20 November 2022

to Megan and Ros

Dear Megan and Ros

I hope to be there, with Mark I expect, but we cannot speak in the public forum.  But you two have 3 mins each!

Would you both like to read out these questions, please - one each, perhaps?
  1. With the urgency of responding effectively to the climate emergency, the fuel poverty crisis and, the migrant crisis would this committee recommend that the Dudley Cabinet gives a high priority to putting low cost, highly energy efficient, 1/2 bedroom apartments on the 10,000 sq m of wasted, brownfield land at High Plateau and Daniels Land at Merry Hill Shopping Centre?
  2. Now that the Dudley Tram is arriving in Dudley town centre, is this the right time to recommend to Dudley's ruling Cabinet that the promise of reopening the full 120 Kms Black Country Railway has finally arrived and must be worked on?  Laura Shoaf, Chief Executive of the WMCA has reassured us that "passive provision" for freight and passenger trains to return is being built in to the Dudley tram line (a paltry concession as both have standard gauge track, anyway.  Or, is that only what she means?).
Since the 1990s, under Centro and the Passenger Transport Authority, the promise of reopening the middle section of our railway "of national strategic significance" 

has always been dependent on the tramline going on the two nibble sized sections first: "Light rail investment provides the basis for restoring heavy rail services at the appropriate time" (letter from Tom Magrath, Passenger Services Director, Centro, dated 18 September 2000)

Light rail is the Dudley Tram aka the Wednesbury, Brierley Hill Extension (WBHE) of Metro.
Heavy rail is commuter, regional and freight services or, the regular trains that we see elsewhere on railway lines not yet converted to tram lines (to then have their trains back decades or centuries later!!)


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