Wednesday 24 May 2023

to and from Richard Hatcher

Richard, you write:

"But we all know that public demands on local government are often blocked by the neoliberal class interests of the Tory government, interests which are relayed by local government, whether willingly or not. Which is why digital democracy is not a solution on its own, it needs to be coupled with mass street-based and workplace-based campaigning."

Very true, BUT personal, individual questioning, challenging and checks on what is going on are also vital.  I have never had, in a lifetime of campaigning and never will have, any mass support for  my concerns but that does not stop me from trying to be effective.  And, it is massive fun challenging and helping out the bosses over what to do!  And that is all we can each do.

By the way, Andy Street, knowing that I have supported and voted for him has allowed me into the heart of the Tory camp, on one enjoyable occasion when they all thought I was on their side.  Which is what I absolutely am when they do the right, socially just and person centred, humane thing!  It was yet another opening to query and gently challenge Michael Fabricant and Tim Huxtable.  As I did again last week when Michael was at Andy's 'Ask Andy' public meeting in Dudley, as Josh Neicho will testify because he was there too!

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