Thursday 18 May 2023

to Monica Guise

 On Mon, 27 Mar 2023 at 08:56, Tim Weller <> wrote:

Hi Monica


Such is the urgency and importance of the climate emergency the authorities piously declared in June 2019, that I would urge you not to bother about arranging a meeting with me.  Instead, I would ask you to arrange a meeting, today between your Vice-Chancellor and the Leader of Brum City Council, Cllr Ian Ward and his Chief Executive, Deborah Cadman, plus the Conservation Officer, for action to be agreed over your ever open door policy of worsening the climate emergency rather than lessening it.


I have copied in their email addresses to make it easier for you to organise the meeting to, finally, get action.  There is no point in meeting with me.  Go straight to the top!

Since that email, Monica, I have been anxious not to send you down a blind alley of meeting with someone like me who is a complete nobody and irrelevance.  Your top priority was meeting with the VIPs, of which I am most definitely NOT one, who can help you to slash your massive energy bill by more quickly resolving the front doors issue.  I am happy to meet with you all once you have your much delayed front doors with their automatic self-closing mechanism - and, then to be wowed in wonderment!  It sounds as though Fiona was quite right when she told me in the winter that it would not be done until the summer.  Hence, my email, above.

Today, I finally read much of the 2030 Strategic Framework that is magnificent and reads perfectly but, it does not ring true when the University opened the lovely Exchange building in September 2021 but without one of the most basic and obvious reforms to actually slow the worsening climate emergency.  Hence, my futile and utterly failed tactic of insisting that I will meet with you only when the job is done.  It is still not done, is it Monica?  I daren't call in, again because I know I will see no change and be shattered!  Thus, you are losing my custom and my old man's pension pocket money!

Have you met with the VIPs to resolve the matter?  Don't bother with me - please.  Do tell me, perhaps, when the job is finished for me to cycle in from Halesowen to see, then the more sustainable and finally completed 'The Exchange' - my favourite coffee shop and conference/events centre.

Best wishes

PS bonus of 3 photos, 2 cartoons to amuse and inform:
PPS of my silly, answers supplied, quiz:

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