Thursday 9 May 2024

Interview with Issy from Leeds University. 'Today' on 9 May 2024 at 08:10


Acknowledge genocide is happening in Gaza.

Cut ties with arms companies like BAE Systems that make parts for the F35 jet that Israel uses to bomb Gaza.

Cut ties with Israeli universities on occupied Palestinian land.

No war criminals on campus.

Stand with the student movement for Palestine.

During the interview:

"ICJ has said that Israel is involved in plausible or acts of genocide.  Our uni is complicit in it.  Zionism is an ideology that has led to the oppression and genocide of thousands of people."

AMOL RAJAN: "Zionism is the pursuit of a safe place that they can call home in the Middle East and is central to their Jewish identity.  Being anti Zionist means that you believe that Israel should not exist."

ISSY: "Millions of anti Zionist Jews would disagree with that statement. Zionism claims that the only path to liberation is to give up the fight and carve out a place elsewhere that belongs exclusively to one people - them.  We can find a better answer to Jewish hatred by fighting defeatest logic and oppression.

"The State of Israel has harmed many people.  Israel is a safe haven for Jews but isolating a people is no answer to oppression.  Liberating people worldwide and fighting antisemitism is the only answer.

"A home for Jews does exist with everyone else.  Everyone should be allowed to be free of oppression, together, united."

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