Friday 3 May 2024

Why Andy?

Thanks, Carol.  Andy has attended every husting, except the very first and holds public meetings and engages with the public.  I vote for him because he comes over so well as the WMCA Public Relations man which is all his job is.  He has no more power than any of the other elected council leaders.  From Monday, Richard or Andy has to work with the CA and not lord it over them.  Andy, I think, will be better at doing that.  He comes over so well, even though, as you say, he "does not tell the truth on the literature that has come through my door."  Nor, on Radio WM in answer to a question I put to him on the 25 July 2023!  He is far too optimistic, exaggerates and gets carried away with his own enthusiasm.  But he (or Richard) must be accurate and correct when he opens his mouth or writes.

I want bus services much more fully funded, with FFPT for all and other inducements for car commuters to leave their cars at home.  Use the £6.1 billion between 2017 and 2032 for mainly underground and overground trams over 150 miles, 8 lines and 380 tram stops.  The money for trams can be better spent as the 

The UK tram promotion group, with its HQ at 16 Summer Lane, called the tram a "bus on rails" at the time of the Croydon tram crash in 2016.  Let's have the very best buses on streets without the railway tracks, whoever owns them!  Ownership is much less important than maximum funding taken away from tram extensions.  And partnership, collaboration between operators and TfWM.

"On 9 November 2016, a tram operated by Tramlink in London derailed and overturned on a sharp bend approaching a junction. Of 69 passengers, there were seven fatalities and 62 injured, 19 of whom sustained serious injuries.[1] This was the first tram incident in the United Kingdom in which passengers died since 1959."  Wikipedia

Best wishes and thanks so much for writing.  Keep up the good work.

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