Tuesday 14 May 2024

Positive, Practical Ways to Slow the Climate Emergency

Being less greedy in wanting the most expensive and grandiose public transport to get less car use (that is never achieved, anyway!)

Please explain why in a climate emergency:

1) you are not opposing High Scam 2 but, especially, immoral tram extensions in the West Midlands, taking over railway lines and bus routes at the most enormous cost to the climate in terms of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and in taxpayer funding?

2) Why you are not opposing West Yorkshire's mass transit tram network and Edinburgh tram extensions?

3) Why you are failing to support regional Fare-Free Public Transport (FFPT) for all, that I've had for 16 years as an OAP?

4) Why you are supporting bus franchising at a cost that could be given to fund FFPT?

5) Why are you not supporting other measures to act as incentives for car  commuters to leave their cars at home and to use the bus/train?

6) Why do you not accept that limited road space at a time of rising growth in GHG emissions from rising car use must mean charges/penalties for thoughtless car commuters who do not free up road space for essential users?

7) Do you accept that individual changes in behaviour when it comes to transport is essential to reduce our impact on life support systems?

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