Sunday 19 May 2024

Super duper SPRINT, METRO, VLR multi-modal bonanza

5 April 2024

Am I allowed to have one hour (max), please with Pete Bond and Jon Hayes, please to discuss the following?

SORRY if you've already answered them for me, in the past (my mind and body are fast failing me).  Answers next to the question, please.  Thanks.
  1. What is the cost of just one SPRINT bus, please?
  2. Which company and country build them?
  3. What is the cost of one Metro tram?
  4. How do you decide when to put Metro on an existing bus route and when to be content with just SPRINT?
  5. Why was it always printed in capitals, at first, certainly?
  6. What exactly are the full reasons for developing Metro to replace and duplicate buses and trains?
  7. And the reasons for the irresistible SPRINT bus, please?
  8. Would my
    be better value for money?
  9. Could it be tried on Hagley Road as a two year experiment?
  10. Can you make clear, please the difference between bus franchising and the present Enhanced Bus Partnership scheme?
  11. Which do you prefer and why?
  12. Have you worked out the cost of bus franchising compared with extending the regional Fare-Free Public Transport for older citizens to everyone?
  13. As money is tight what is your order of priority for spending:-
tram extensions  -  Sprint bus extensions  -  putting trains back on urban railway lines not yet destroyed  -  bus franchising  -  Fare-Free Public Transport extended  -  bus/business lanes to free up road space in rush hours for essential vehicle users and to reward bus, train, tram users?

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