Monday 27 May 2024

Retaliation, Western supremacy over the centuries

Dear Adrian

Thanks so much for your perspective and for engaging in discussion.  Most valuable.  I would certainly like to see the DVD, please.  I'll watch it with Linda.

Linda is fully on your side, as are so many evangelical believers at church and, the main political parties in supporting Israel by their deeds, if not now, finally, their words in saying they want a ceasefire.  All too easy to say, of course!

As I see it, our electorate and political parties are part of the traditional 'Christian' West through recent centuries of slavery, imperialism and warfare by the European, supposedly 'Christian' nations.  Behaviour that is the antithesis of Christ's teaching in the Gospels, in my view.  But, it is in line with the violence used to gain the Promised Land from its inhabitants, that is covered in the Old Testament.

Therefore, Biblical texts certainly support your point of view but the Gospel teaching from the Magnificat through to the Sermon on the Mount and the all too soon crucifixion of Jesus all point to non-violence, peaceful co-existence and constraint rather than coercion and retaliation.  Retaliation is what our side is doing on the very largely innocent, non fighters of Gaza.  Hence, my jaundiced view that the established Church has seen centuries of most unfortunate coercion and violence and oppression.  From its disruptive birth at the time of Henry 8th through to today, the CoE must, from then on, always avoid rocking the boat as much as possible.  The wonderful National Trust is putting the record straight at their properties.  Justin Welby is talking about reparations, this time, for the descendants of the victims of slavery rather than for the perpetrators (includes CoE!).  And that is excellent.  He is a man of integrity who is doing what he can within the constraints of having to minimise criticism of HMG.  He can't go too far!  Good on him.  And he is a good man.

The Amish, Mennonites and Quakers are showing the rest of Christendom what costly discipleship is all about.  As are Linda and I in dwelling together in harmony and love, if not in unity over this particular matter!

Do read what this Canadian writer has to say - from my blog:

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