Tuesday 14 May 2024

Questions for Forrest Estate

When did Forrest Estate start motor racing in their forest?

Could I have the email address of Forrest Estate and of the organisers of the event, please?
How often do they use the forest?
How much do they pay the estate?
Do they pay the full cost of filling in the ruts carved out of the roads as they race around the 8.9 mile circuit?
Why are they allowed to endanger walkers on the race circuit?  The official plan I was shown, clearly has sites where "Possible Walkers" may be found during racing!  This is no way good enough.
What is the evidence of lung damage of breathing in the clouds of dust and dirt as they race?
Do they think, at all, about their ill health and of the cost to the NHS of their lung damage, in coming years, from their hobby?
Or, do the drivers, stewards and marshalls wear adequate mouth and nose masks?
Could you insist that bigger and more obvious notices are posted and for very much longer?
Perhaps, something equally large and prominent as these notices at the junction of the single track road and the main road, so walkers can see them in time and drive somewhere else when racing is on in the forest?
It is in the interest of motor sport to keep interfering busybodies like me well away, anyway.  So two large notices are needed at the beginning of the 6 Kms single track road so there is still time to go somewhere else.

I suggest, something like a large, colourful sign, warning of 'RACING IN THE FOREST THIS WEEKEND from ... to ... '.  Walkers can then avoid the noise and nuisance and drive or cycle somewhere else.  That is a fair enough request.  Is it perfectly reasonable, do you think, Mandy?

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