Sunday 26 May 2024

The courageous Karim Khan

FROM 'THE TELEGRAPH' on 26.5.24:

Mr Khan said: “There were attempts to kill Margaret Thatcher, Airey Neave was blown up, Lord Mountbatten was blown up, there was the Enniskillen attack, we had kneecappings… 

“But the British didn’t decide to say, ‘Well, on the Falls Road [the heart of Catholic Belfast] there undoubtedly may be some IRA members and Republican sympathisers, so therefore let’s drop a 2,000lb bomb on the Falls Road.’ You can’t do that.”

Karim Khan, "the International Criminal Court (ICC) prosecutor said it was not his job to make friends but to put the victims of injustice and war first, regardless of the geopolitical consequences."

What we continue to see, right now in the Holy Land and, since 1945, is the epitomy of the failure of violence after the disaster of two European wars further underlining the moral and political bankruptcy of the men and women of violence.  What unbelievable incompetence in believing that violence solves anything!

All my life I have been renouncing war and the weapons of war.  I was a member of the Fellowship of Reconciliation for many years as a young man, and greatly admire men and women of non-violence like Donald Soper, Dalai Lama, Desmond Tutu, Martin Luther King Jnr, Mohammed Ali, Bruce Kent, former ROI President Mary Robinson and, of course, the mighty powerful Gandhi.  I'm a financial supporter of the Campaign Against the Arms Trade.

Now discovered two more - two Irishmen, Daniel O'Connell and Michael Davitt who also espoused non-violence (p 28, 'Everybody Matters', by Mary Robinson)

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