Tuesday 21 May 2024

Public or Private Control/Ownership Seems to be Immaterial

Should all of us taxpayers make a profit (through paying lower taxes for state services) or, should it be only the private sector and their shareholders that make profits/losses?

The private sector with their shareholders did very well out of owning the water companies because the regulator was too laid back, too relaxed and, let them get on with it.  Therefore, would things be any better if they had remained under public control and state ownership?

Wasn't the regulator meant to be guiding investment - as to what profits went into maintaining and improving water quality and what was paid out in dividends?

If something as vital as water provision is owned by shareholders, shouldn't military expenditure be similarly owned by shareholders since armament construction, sale and their use in so many countries, is so popular?

Under private control of buses, TfWM was and, still is, in constant contact with the bus companies over services, routes and fares.  Is that more important than who actually owns and maintains buses, depots and offices?

Stuff their mouths with gold and you get an excellent bus provision, including FFPT.   And, regional Fare-Free Public Transport for ALL must have top priority.  But there still have to be checks, challenges and questions from members of the public like me/us.

One vital consideration must be this:

What is the passenger/kilometre cost of subsidising BUSES in each of

A: London,   (hell of a lot)

B: the Combined Authority areas and,   (not nearly so much)

C: the shires?   (a pittance - compare the Kidderminster disgraceful slum of a bus station for decades!)

If both construction costs and running costs are so much more for TRAMS than BUSES, why are tramways in both West Midlands, West Yorkshire CAs and Edinburgh still going ahead?

Financial price = Climate crisis deepening, such is our 100% dependency and total addiction to finite fossil fuels.  Even to get renewables!

We must have a candid briefing of both the pros and cons of bus franchising sweeping the country, when it should be FFPT for all.  PLEASE!

Tim Weller   22 May 2024

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